Mobile: Appointment Restrictions
Appointment Restrictions
Required Lead Time
Required Lead Time is a lead time that will prevent appointments from being scheduled if the requested appointment falls within that lead time.
Suggested Lead Time
Suggested Lead Time is a lead time that will allow appointments to be scheduled in that time frame but agents scheduling will be notified that the owner or occupant prefers a little more time to prepare.
Maximum Showing Length
Maximum Appointment Window that you would like agents to schedule. Please be aware that if the option has been set to None, agents will be open to schedule appointments which may seem abnormally long as agents view the length of the appointments in two ways, as a time frame for a showing or as an appointment arrival window.
Overlapping Appointments
You have 3 options to choose from:- Yes, No need to inform the agents
- Yes, Please tell the agent ahead of time
- No, exclusive showings only.
Showing Rules

It allows you to add a new showing rule which includes exceptions and restrictions to your listing.
A showing block is useful when you need to set up a time for listing maintenance. You could use this time for painting touch-ups, showing preparation, or another event that would need to temporarily block showings.
A block can be for a single day and time, or a repeating event that occurs each Wednesday for example. A block can even be set up for an entire day instead of a few hours. Your sellers may sometimes need to stop showings before it gets too late in the evening or may just need to temporarily prevent some showings for that lazy Sunday afternoon.
The block or any other restriction will be visible on the listing worksheet in the app.
For additional information pertaining to showing rules, please go to the section below.
Related Page: Listing Worksheet > Restrictions & Exceptions